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text-align:center; margin-top:79px; } .social { text-align:center; margin-top:55px; } .social__item { display:inline-block; line-height:30; -webkit-transition:0.6s ease; -o-transition:0.6s ease; -moz-transition:0.6s ease; transition:0.6s ease; text-align:center; width:30; background:#484848; margin-right:7px; } .social .social__item:last-child { margin-right:0; } .social__item:hover { background:#2d8904; } .social__item:hover>i { color:#333333; } .social__item>i { color:#dedede; } #sync2 .owl-dots { position:absolute; top:20; left:126px; } /*Menu Mobile*/ header.header-mobile { display:none; } .menu-mobile__button { display:inline-block; float:right; width:40; line-height:40; height:40; text-align:center; border:1px solid #c6c6c6; cursor:pointer; margin:20 0; } .menu-mobile__button:hover { background:#2d8904; } .menu-mobile__button:hover i { color:#333; } .menu-mobile__button i { font-size:18px; } .hidden { display:none; } .menu-mobile__more { position:absolute; top:0; right:0; text-align:center; 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font-weight:700; line-height:1; margin-bottom:3px; } .date--yellow { background-color:#2d8904; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content h4 { line-height:25px; margin-bottom:10; margin-top:-5px; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content h4>a { font-weight:600; font-size:18px; color:#333; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content h4>a:hover { color:#2d8904; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content p { margin-bottom:15px; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content div>a { color:#555; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:13px; } .testi-lastest__right .blog-item .blog-content div>a:hover { color:#2d8904; } .testi-lastest .owl-theme .owl-nav.disabled+.owl-dots { margin-top:30; } /*Footer*/ .logo-footer { margin-bottom:35px; } .footer-3 { background-color:#222; padding-top:70; text-align:left; } .footer-3 p { color:#dcdcdc; } .title-footer { font-size:18px; font-weight:600; color:#f1f1f1; margin-top:30; } .social-footer { margin-top:15px; } .social-footer a { display:inline-block; margin-right:15px; } .social-footer a i { color:#c7c7c7; } .footer-3 .social-footer a i { font-size:18px; } .social-footer a:hover i { color:#2d8904; } .copyright-2 { margin-top:55px; padding:22px 0; text-align:center; border-top:1px solid #5f5f5f; color:#a2a2a2; } .copyright-2 span { color:#2d8904; } .m-b-26 { margin-bottom:26px; } .m-b-30 { margin-bottom:30; } .con__item { margin-bottom:20; } .con__item i { margin-right:15px; } /*Gallery*/ .gallery__item { position:relative; display:inline-block; float:left; max-width:25%; margin-right:10; margin-bottom:10; } .gallery__item .pro-link:hover .overlay--invisible { opacity:1; } /*--------- End Home Page 6 ---------*/ /*--------- Project ---------*/ .parallax--nav { padding:125px 0; background-image:url('../img/bg-head.jpg'); background-position:50% 50%; } .navigation h2 { color:#000; font-size:30; text-align:center; padding-right:40; text-transform:uppercase; display:block; margin:0; font-weight:600; } .breadcrumbs { /*margin-left:70;*/ float:left; margin-top:3px; padding:0; } .breadcrumbs span { display:inline-block; font-size:18px; margin:0 3px; color:#fff; } .breadcrumbs li { font-size:18px; color:#fff; } .breadcrumbs li a { color:#2d8904; font-size:18px; } .project1 { padding:90 0; padding-top:60; } .project1 .see-more { margin-top:90; } .project2 { padding:80 0; padding-top:65px; } .project3 #filter-wrap { margin-bottom:65px; } #filter li { margin:0 30; } #filter li span { font-size:18px; color:#333; cursor:pointer; -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease; transition:all 0.6s ease; } #filter li span:hover { color:#2d8904; } #filter-wrap { margin-bottom:40; text-align:center; } #isotope-grid .col-md-6 { display:block; float:left; } .project__item { margin-top:30; } .pro-info--darker { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); } .project--hover .project__item .company { text-transform:capitalize; text-align:left; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30; -webkit-transform:translateY(50); -moz-transform:translateY(50); -ms-transform:translateY(50); -o-transform:translateY(50); transform:translateY(50); text-align:center; -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; margin-bottom:6px; } .project--hover .project__item .company>a { color:#2d8904; font-size:30; } .project--hover .project__item .company>a:hover { color:#fff; } #filter .active span { color:#2d8904; } .project--hover .project__item .cat-name { line-height:1; text-align:left; position:absolute; bottom:-18px; left:30; -webkit-transform:translateY(50); -moz-transform:translateY(50); -ms-transform:translateY(50); -o-transform:translateY(50); transform:translateY(50); text-align:center; -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; transition:all 0.6s ease 0s; } .project--hover .project__item .pro-link:hover .company { -webkit-transform:translateY(-39px); -moz-transform:translateY(-39px); -ms-transform:translateY(-39px); -o-transform:translateY(-39px); transform:translateY(-39px); } .project--hover .project__item .pro-link:hover .cat-name { -webkit-transform:translateY(-42px); -moz-transform:translateY(-42px); -ms-transform:translateY(-42px); -o-transform:translateY(-42px); transform:translateY(-42px); } .project--hover .project__item .cat-name a em { color:#d5d5d5; font-size:13px; } .project--hover .project__item .cat-name a:hover em { color:#fff; } .project--zoom .pro__img { overflow:hidden; } .project--zoom .pro__img a img { -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease; transition:all 0.6s ease; } .project--zoom .pro__img:hover a img { -webkit-transform:scale(1.1); -moz-transform:scale(1.1); -ms-transform:scale(1.1); -o-transform:scale(1.1); transform:scale(1.1); } .project--zoom .pro__text { text-align:center; padding:25px 0; border:1px solid #ededed; } .project--zoom .pro__text .company a { text-transform:capitalize; font-size:18px; font-weight:600; } .project--zoom .pro__text .company a:hover { color:#222; } .project--zoom .pro__text .cat-name a em { color:#999; } .project--zoom .pro__text .cat-name a:hover em { color:#555; } /*Project 3*/ .project3 { padding:90 0; padding-top:65px; } .project3 .project__item { margin-top:0; } .project3 .project--hover .project__item .cat-name em { font-size:11px; } .project3 .col-md-4 { float:left; } /*Project 4*/ .project4 { padding:90 0; padding-top:65px; } .project4 .col-md-4 { float:left; padding:0 30; } .project4 .project__item .pro__text .company { margin-bottom:5px; } /*Project 5*/ .project5 { padding:90 0; padding-top:65px; } .project5 .project__item { margin-top:0; } .project5 .project__item .pro-info .company a { text-transform:uppercase; font-size:18px; } .project5 #isotope-grid { margin-top:30; } .project5 .see-more { margin-top:90; } /*Project 6*/ .project6 { padding:90 0; padding-top:65px; } .project6 .project__item .pro-info .company { margin-bottom:0; } .project6 .project__item .pro-info .company a { font-size:16px; text-transform:uppercase; } .project6 .project--hover .project__item .company { left:20; } .project6 .project--hover .project__item .cat-name { left:20; } .project6 .project--hover .project__item .cat-name em { font-size:11px; } .project6 .see-more { margin-top:90; } /*--------- End Project ---------*/ /*About Us*/ /*.parallax--nav-1 {*/ /* padding:125px 0;*/ /* background-image:url('../img/Granitemart-kitchen2.jpg');*/ /* opacity:0.9;*/ /*}*/ .parallax--nav-1 { width:100%; height:500; position:relative; color:white; text-align:center; } .parallax--nav-1 { width:100%; height:400; position:relative; color:white; text-align:center; } .parallax--nav-1 img { width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:99 } .parallax--nav-1 .overlay { width:100%; height:400; background-color:rgb(195 197 200 / 60%); position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:999; } .parallax--nav-1 h2 { margin-top:170; font-size:3em; } /*.how_we_work { padding:220 0; background-image:url('../img/how we work.jpg'); }*/ /*404 Page*/ .navigation--bgf8 { background-color:#f8f8f8; padding:125px 0; } .navigation--bgf8 h2 { color:#333; } .navigation--bgf8 .breadcrumbs span { color:#333; } .navigation--bgf8 .breadcrumbs .active { color:#333; } .page-404 { padding-top:80; padding-bottom:90; text-align:center; } .page-404 .big-info { font-size:18px; font-weight:700; color:#999; line-height:1; text-transform:capitalize; margin-bottom:30; } .page-404 .big-info>span { display:block; font-size:85px; font-weight:700; color:#999; margin-bottom:5px; } .page-404 .see-more { margin-top:40; } /*Testimonial*/ .parallax--contact1 { background-image:url('../img/bg-contact-02.jpg'); } #owl-client-say-1 .client-wrap .client__item.clearfix:first-child { margin-bottom:30; } .client-say--testi { padding-top:75px; padding-bottom:60; } #owl-client-say-1 .client-wrap .client-content { /* padding:0 40; */ padding-left:40; padding-right:35px; } .client-say--testi .owl-theme .owl-nav.disabled+.owl-dots { margin-top:60; } .client-say--testi .client-name { font-size:16px; margin-bottom:10; } /*Our Process Page*/ .process-page { padding:100 0; } .process-page .pro__img { overflow:hidden; } .process-page .pro__img img { -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease; transition:all 0.6s ease; } .process-page .pro__img:hover img { -webkit-transform:scale(1.1); -moz-transform:scale(1.1); -ms-transform:scale(1.1); -o-transform:scale(1.1); transform:scale(1.1); } .bg-f8 { background:#f8f8f8; } .process-page .pro__text>h2 { margin-bottom:30; } .process-page .pro__text>p { margin-bottom:15px; } .process-page .pro__text>h2>span { font-size:60; font-weight:700; color:#2d8904; } .process-item { display:table; } .process-item>.process__left { display:table-cell; width:50%; } .process-item>.process__right { display:table-cell; width:50%; } .pro__text-wrap { padding-left:70; padding-right:70; vertical-align:middle; } .li-item { margin-bottom:15px; } .li-item>i { font-size:18px; color:#2d8904; margin-right:7px; } .process-page .pro__text>h2.m-b-20 { margin-bottom:20; } .process-page .pro__text>p>span { text-transform:uppercase; color:#333; font-weight:700; } .process-page .pro__text>p.m-b-0 { margin-bottom:0; } .pro-bar-wrap .bar__title { font-size:16px; color:#333; line-height:25px; } .color-e1 { background:#2d8904; } .color-333 { background:#333; } .process-page .pro__text>p.m-b-30 { margin-bottom:30; } .process-page .pro-bar-wrap .pro-bar-container.m-y-15 { margin:15px 0; } .process-page .pro-bar-wrap .pro-bar-container { height:10; margin:0; border:none; border-color:transparent; margin:8px 0; } .process-page .pro-bar-wrap .pro-bar { height:10; -webkit-border-radius:30 0 0 30; -moz-border-radius:30 0 0 30; border-radius:30 0 0 30; } /* Portfolio */ .port1 { padding:90 0 50 0; } .port1-img { display:block; float:left; width:33.33%; padding-right:30; } .port1__img-wrap { margin-top:30; margin-right:-30; } .port1__img-wrap .port1-img { padding-right:30; } .port1__img-wrap .port1-img a img { -webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease; -o-transition:all 0.2s ease; -moz-transition:all 0.2s ease; transition:all 0.2s ease; } .port1__img-wrap .port1-img a:hover img { opacity:0.5; } .port__text { margin-bottom:25px; margin-left:20; } .port__text>h3 { font-weight:400; margin-bottom:20; text-transform:capitalize; } .port__info { margin-left:20; border:1px solid #cecece; padding:30 0; } .port__info-list>li { margin-bottom:25px; text-align:center; } .port__info-title { min-width:90; font-weight:600; text-align:left; display:inline-block; } .port__info-value { min-width:100; display:inline-block; text-align:left; text-transform:uppercase; } .port__info-title span:last-child { margin-bottom:0; } .port__info-value span:last-child { margin-bottom:0; } .port__info-value span { display:block; text-transform:uppercase; margin-bottom:30; } .port-nav-wrap { text-align:center; background:#f8f8f8; padding:35px 0; margin-top:45px; } .port-nav-wrap i { font-size:24px; color:#666; } .port-nav-wrap .nav-port i { font-size:16px; } .port-nav-wrap a.nav-port:hover i { color:#2d8904; } .port-nav-wrap a.nav-port { display:block; } .social--port { text-align:center; margin-top:40; } .social--port a { margin-right:20; } .social--port a i { color:#666666; font-size:16px; -webkit-transition:all 0.6s ease; -o-transition:all 0.6s ease; -moz-transition:all 0.6s ease; transition:all 0.6s ease; } .social--port a:hover i { color:#2d8904; } .port2 { padding-top:85px; padding-bottom:50; } .port2 .port__text { margin-left:0; } .port2 .port__info { margin-left:0; } .port2 .port__img { margin-bottom:50; } .port2 .col-lg-4 { padding-right:35px; } .port2 .col-lg-8 { padding-left:35px; } .port__img.m-b-0 { margin-bottom:0; } .port3 { padding-top:50; padding-bottom:50; } .port3 .port__info { margin-left:0; margin-top:50; } .port3 .port__text { margin-bottom:0; margin-top:50; margin-left:40; } .port3 .port__text h3 { text-transform:capitalize; } .port3 .port__img { margin-top:50; } /* End Portfolio */ /*Service List*/ .parallax--ser-li { padding:125px 0; background-image:url('../img/bg-head-04.jpg'); background-position:50% 85%; } .service-list { padding:100 0; padding-top:30; } .service-list__item { margin-top:30; } .service-list__text { text-align:center; padding:25px 50; border:1px solid #ededed; } .service-list__text>h5>a { font-size:16px; font-weight:700; } .service-list__text>h5>a:hover { color:#2d8904; } .service-list__text>h5 { margin-bottom:15px; } .service-list .contact2 { margin-top:70; } .contact2__item { background-image:url('../img/bg-adver.jpg'); background-repeat:none; -webkit-background-size:cover; -moz-background-size:cover; -o-background-size:cover; background-size:cover; font-family:"Montserrat"; text-align:center; padding:50 60; margin-top:40; } .contact2__item>p { font-weight:600; color:#fff; line-height:25px; font-size:18px; text-transform:uppercase; margin-bottom:30; } .contact2 .partner-wrap1 { padding:78px 30; background:#f8f8f8; border:none; margin-top:40; padding-bottom:31px; } .contact2 .partner-wrap1 .owl-stage-outer { padding:0; border:none; } #owl-partner-2.owl-theme .owl-nav.disabled+.owl-dots { margin-top:23px; } /*End service list*/ /*Service v1*/ .service-content { padding:100 0; } .service-tab { margin-top:50; } .service-tab>ul>li>a { display:block; padding:0 10; text-align:center; line-height:70; font-size:13px; background:#f9f9f9; color:#333; text-transform:capitalize; } .service-tab>ul>li>a:hover { border-left:5px solid #2d8904; border-right:5px solid #2d8904; background:#333333; color:#2d8904; } .service-tab>ul>li.active>a { border-left:5px solid #2d8904; border-right:5px solid #2d8904; background:#333333; color:#2d8904; } .service-text { margin-top:60; padding-left:30; } .service-text h5 { margin-bottom:20; font-size:16px; font-weight:600; } .service-text.m-t-50 { margin-top:50; } /*End Service v1*/ /*Service v2*/ .service-img-wrap { margin-right:-30; margin-top:30; } .service-img { display:block; float:left; width:25%; padding-right:30; } /*End Service v2*/ /*Contact*/ .parallax--nav-2 { padding:125px 0; background-image:url('../img/bg-head-05.jpg'); } .contact-content { padding:70 0; padding-top:30; } .contact-info { padding:40 0; background:#f8f8f8; padding-top:10; } .contact-info .col-md-3>div { text-align:center; } .contact-info .col-md-3>div>i { color:#666; font-size:18px; margin-right:10; } .form-contact-wrap { padding-left:40; } .form-contact-wrap h4 { margin-bottom:30; } .form-contact input, textarea { width:100%; color:#999; outline:none; padding:10; border:1px solid #cecece; } .form-contact input { margin-bottom:10; } .form-contact textarea { min-height:190; } .form-contact-wrap div>button { border:none; cursor:pointer; margin-top:30; } /*End Contact*/ /*Product*/ .img-head__inner { padding-bottom:50; border-bottom:1px solid #ededed; } .pro-list-wrap { padding-bottom:70; } .pro-sorting { padding:45px 0; padding-bottom:15px; } .pro-sorting .sort-left { text-transform:uppercase; color:#333; } .pro-sorting .sort-right #order-by { text-transform:uppercase; color:#333; border:none; outline:none; } .page-number { display:inline-block; width:30; line-height:28px; 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